An Easier Way to Share Print Screens

If you’re a tech savvy like myself, you’ve come across the annoyance of having to
do the tedious process of sharing a print screen with others. While some mediums to conquer them with live feeds such as Skype or Join.Me, sometimes you just want to share a snapshot and send it to someone else (or many others for that matter) with ease. A very good program to conquer this is LightShot. This very lightweight program, when running, replaces the usual print screen function and allows for the user to effortlessly upload their screenshot to a free hosting site, from which you can quickly share with others in a matter of seconds and saves massive amounts of time. But this is not the only option available to the user. On the pressing of the print screen button, LightShot will show an overlay, in which the user can adjust the size of the capture area, along with other things to do with their image, such as saving it to the computer instead. On top of this, the program also allows for the screenshot to be edited in their online photo manipulation site, in order to add things such as highlights and text. It is a great program and only takes a few minutes (if that), to download and install!

Rating: A* A B C D E F… G?

Link to program: