The Hard-Drive Spy Tool

(for Windows only)
Sometimes, your hard-drive has some secrets hidden inside which slow down your computer to a standstill. As I myself have been experiencing these problems recently, I came across a program which allows you to view the space hoggers lurking in the depths of your HDD.

The program in question is WizTree. The program will scan a hard-drive you select and it will show you what and where large files are stored; even giving you percentages to how much of its parent it uses. For example: say my hard-drive had a capacity 100GB. A folder on it could be 50GB- therefore showing that this folder uses 50% of its parent, the hard-drive. But, for the individual files inside the folder, the parent for them would be the folder that contained them.

The program does this seamlessly and extremely quickly; no matter the processor speed or the amount of data stored on your hard-drive. Give it a few seconds and the program is done. From there it inherits standard Windows Explorer features, allowing you to modify, delete and move these files.

I highly recommend this software if you are going through problems with computer speed and are not sure with what the cause is; or if you just want to see what is piling up.

Download Link:
Portable Edition:

Developer Site: 

Outside the Sun’s Boundary

Be sure to check out my new single on, Outside the Sun’s Boundary. It’s a nice song! It’s a free download so you don’t have to pay for it. So, here’s the link:

Outside the Sun's Boundary Cover

Pretty cool cover, eh?