The Hard-Drive Spy Tool

(for Windows only)
Sometimes, your hard-drive has some secrets hidden inside which slow down your computer to a standstill. As I myself have been experiencing these problems recently, I came across a program which allows you to view the space hoggers lurking in the depths of your HDD.

The program in question is WizTree. The program will scan a hard-drive you select and it will show you what and where large files are stored; even giving you percentages to how much of its parent it uses. For example: say my hard-drive had a capacity 100GB. A folder on it could be 50GB- therefore showing that this folder uses 50% of its parent, the hard-drive. But, for the individual files inside the folder, the parent for them would be the folder that contained them.

The program does this seamlessly and extremely quickly; no matter the processor speed or the amount of data stored on your hard-drive. Give it a few seconds and the program is done. From there it inherits standard Windows Explorer features, allowing you to modify, delete and move these files.

I highly recommend this software if you are going through problems with computer speed and are not sure with what the cause is; or if you just want to see what is piling up.

Download Link:
Portable Edition:

Developer Site: 

500GB PlayStation 3 Is Coming!

Phew! Thank you Sony! I have been waiting for something like this for ages… I’m sure that many PS3 users have faced the annoying task of deleting things off their HDDs because they have run out of room for installing new games they want, whether that be on a discĀ orĀ downloaded from the PlayStation Store. This is a great step from Sony, as now people can actually have more than about 20 games installed. Heh heh.

An example of a 500GB hard-drive disk.