New Videos Soon To Arrive

OK, everybody.

I know I have said this many times before, saying that I would come back hopefully to do more videos. Sometimes that’s true. Sometimes I will upload one video and have done with it for a few months. When I say I’m coming back now, I’m not guaranteeing that I will come back and upload content all the time. Half the time when I say that, it never works out. So, I’m posting this now to tell you that I’ll be uploading a few videos in the future. Some of these videos could include:

  • Some sort of Java tutorial
  • Continuation of my earlier Flash Pro tutorials on how to make a simple point and click game with AS3.
  • Continuaton of my Unity tutorials (since these are seemingly popular)
  • Possibly some Cinema 4D

Getting used to some new software, so new content should be even better than before. Hope you enjoy the new content. :3


ComputoSound Competition: Number #1

Hey everyone! Today I’ll introduce something new to you…

ComputoSoundIt is a competition to see how can answer the following question in a maximum 20 second sound file ‘Why Justin Bieber is an idiot’

Entering Conditions and Things You Need To Know

  • Don’t swear in the sound file.
  • No proper sexual stuff.
  • Yeah, you can say he’s gay and all that. 😀
  • You can’t do it with another person at the same time.
  • Send the audio file to
  • Recordings must be any of these file types ‘WMA, MP3, AAC or OGG’
  • Sound files that go just over 15 seconds are allowed but if it reaches 16 seconds then it is discarded, unless is SUPER FUNNY.
So there you go! Your prize will be… an advertisement on my next video of anything you would like me to advertise. The thing you advertise must be of your own, just include it in your email to Competition ends 28th April.