New Videos Soon To Arrive

OK, everybody.

I know I have said this many times before, saying that I would come back hopefully to do more videos. Sometimes that’s true. Sometimes I will upload one video and have done with it for a few months. When I say I’m coming back now, I’m not guaranteeing that I will come back and upload content all the time. Half the time when I say that, it never works out. So, I’m posting this now to tell you that I’ll be uploading a few videos in the future. Some of these videos could include:

  • Some sort of Java tutorial
  • Continuation of my earlier Flash Pro tutorials on how to make a simple point and click game with AS3.
  • Continuaton of my Unity tutorials (since these are seemingly popular)
  • Possibly some Cinema 4D

Getting used to some new software, so new content should be even better than before. Hope you enjoy the new content. :3


I’m Back, Guys!

Hey guys! I’m finally back after almost a month of nothing. I was just to indulged in doing other things than bloggign and to be honest I got a little bored. But now I’m back and you should be looking forward to getting better and more detailed stuff. Also, Computoguy Premium came out today! Take a look by pressing ‘Get Premium’. Thanks guys for sticking with me.

Update (and it’s about time)

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting for months now, I just haven’t got round to doing so. You wanna know why? Many reasons, here’s a list:

  1. Well, lets say I wanted a break for a while.
  2. I’ve been doing a lot of Flash work. That’s right, I recently got Flash and I am making a point and click game, which will soon be available for you to play here, on Kongregate and Newgrounds. I’ll keep you updated!
  3. And, other random irrelevant stuff.

Also, I have a new logo! I got bored of the old one and decided to make a new one and I have to say, this one looks a lot better than to old one.

Well, that’s it for the update, expect more posts soon!

Sony’s Welcome Back Package

So today I went onto the PlayStation Store as I heard that it was back up and updated (yet I still have problems with it sometimes.) Then on the sidebar, I saw a huge box which said ‘WELCOME BACK’ inside it. I clicked on it and I was astonished to find they are giving people who signed up before the hack these deals for free!

  • 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership
  • 2 PlayStation 3 games for free

Go Sony!