France Time (almost)

This week we’re going to France. I’m super excited, as we are staying in a luxury location and we have awesome things to do there, and also, hopefully, the weather will be a lot better there than it is here in England… But the thing I’m not looking forward to is the HELL DRIVE OF SUPREME DOOM. (which is around 400 miles.) Yup. You heard me. Well, read me. Instead of getting a plane, were gonna drive there. -_- Greaaat.

Update (and it’s about time)

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting for months now, I just haven’t got round to doing so. You wanna know why? Many reasons, here’s a list:

  1. Well, lets say I wanted a break for a while.
  2. I’ve been doing a lot of Flash work. That’s right, I recently got Flash and I am making a point and click game, which will soon be available for you to play here, on Kongregate and Newgrounds. I’ll keep you updated!
  3. And, other random irrelevant stuff.

Also, I have a new logo! I got bored of the old one and decided to make a new one and I have to say, this one looks a lot better than to old one.

Well, that’s it for the update, expect more posts soon!

Clone Makes Portals: Coming Soon

Hey everybody! Today, I’m going to be giving you a little sneak peak of one of my upcoming videos… Just go to the store and download the MP4 there. I’m not giving away the actual storyline here, just the first 10 second scene, and it’s my first video made with After Effects! Enjoy.


ComputoSound Competition: Number #1

Hey everyone! Today I’ll introduce something new to you…

ComputoSoundIt is a competition to see how can answer the following question in a maximum 20 second sound file ‘Why Justin Bieber is an idiot’

Entering Conditions and Things You Need To Know

  • Don’t swear in the sound file.
  • No proper sexual stuff.
  • Yeah, you can say he’s gay and all that. 😀
  • You can’t do it with another person at the same time.
  • Send the audio file to
  • Recordings must be any of these file types ‘WMA, MP3, AAC or OGG’
  • Sound files that go just over 15 seconds are allowed but if it reaches 16 seconds then it is discarded, unless is SUPER FUNNY.
So there you go! Your prize will be… an advertisement on my next video of anything you would like me to advertise. The thing you advertise must be of your own, just include it in your email to Competition ends 28th April.