GAME Enters Administration!

I can’t believe it! GAME has entered administration as they reach bankruptcy. I never thought this day would come, but it seems GAME hadn’t been doing as well as I thought they were. It’s amazing, how, so many people visit and buy things from those stores that they go into administration. I used to always go there, but at least I have CEX to go to if GAME actually shuts down forever, but GAME always had the latest games etc. GAME has a couple buyers, but they are unconfirmed, one offer from Wal-Mart, (yes, WAL-MART) GameStop and a number of other companies. Oh well. Let’s just hope for the best.A Game Store

Update (and it’s about time)

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting for months now, I just haven’t got round to doing so. You wanna know why? Many reasons, here’s a list:

  1. Well, lets say I wanted a break for a while.
  2. I’ve been doing a lot of Flash work. That’s right, I recently got Flash and I am making a point and click game, which will soon be available for you to play here, on Kongregate and Newgrounds. I’ll keep you updated!
  3. And, other random irrelevant stuff.

Also, I have a new logo! I got bored of the old one and decided to make a new one and I have to say, this one looks a lot better than to old one.

Well, that’s it for the update, expect more posts soon!

Store: Coming Soon Downloads of 16th June 11

Your Vision Fades

This is a random text based game I am making. It lets you choose options into what you want to do next. WARNING: This game is a Windows Batch File. Meaning, that you will have to have access to CMD (Command Prompt) and you must be running Windows. I currently don’t know how to make a Mac version but I am hoping to try and make one in the future. Price: £0.59

Great Epics: Atmosphir

Atmosphir (I didn’t mean Atmosphere) is a 3-D game development tool run by Unity. You’re probably thinking ‘oh no, this is going to be loads of coding and programming.’ Well, Atmosphir isn’t. It is really easy to use, and yes, it’s free! It has a very simple system. Placing blocks around a huge grid, 100x100x100! You can choose from a wide variety of different blocks, props, interactives (more on that later), moving platforms and so much more. Once you’ve completed your level, you can upload it, so everyone else in the Atmosphir community can play it. You can play others games, you can even do multiplayer. Choose from co-operative level, or you can competitive match, great for battles!
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