What A Surprise… iPhone 5S is Coming

Of course, it is now rumored that the iPhone 5S is coming soon. It has been said that a new camera is being installed to allow the user to create stunning, high resolution photos that makes the viewer think they were actually there. As normal, Apple is also following it’s tradition in improving the phone’s processor.

But as much as this sounds nice, I have questions about this. Here are a couple of my questions:

  1. Do we need a new processor?
    Apple has upgraded their processor so much recently it seems sort of pointless. Are there really any apps which will need    such an amazing processor and it’s not as if people are going to multitask 25 different applications at once
  2. Are iPhones just becoming more pointless each release?
    I’m sure many will disagree but I think that the phones are becoming more pointless as they go along. To me it seems Apple are just chucking out loads of new phones with slight adjustments all the time; as they know all the Apple fans and followers will buy their products just because it’s the latest fad.

Maybe we will find out later this year, to see if my questions will be answered.

The New iPad is Too… Hot?

Following the release of Apple new generation iPad, people have been complaining that the new iPad is too HOT for them. That’s right, they say that it is extremely uncomfortable while holding it at approx. max processing speeds. To be honest, what do you expect? The New iPad has a A5X processor which is extremely powerful and it has to power 3.1 MILLION pixels. So, if you use this to it’s maximum, you really have to expect it to get a little bit warmer, and to be honest it’s something you’ll just have to put up with.

The New iPad

The New iPad.

Mario Kart 7: First Impressions

Mario Kart 7 is obviously the seventh installment of the Mario Kart series, which was released on 1st December in Europe. Although I haven’t actually got the game yet, based on what I’ve seen of the game, it’s pretty amazing. First of all, the new ways you can race, for example the glider, which enables you to glide around the track when you drive off a blue ramp. These things all open loads of new opportunities in racing. Another cool thing is kart customisation. By collecting coins during races you can change your kart to make that perfect ride. Epicness alert! There are sixteen epic new tracks as well as some remastered racetracks from the old games, including Wii. If you have the 3DS, or you are hoping that you’re getting it for Christmas, make sure this one’s on the list. 😀



Update (and it’s about time)

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting for months now, I just haven’t got round to doing so. You wanna know why? Many reasons, here’s a list:

  1. Well, lets say I wanted a break for a while.
  2. I’ve been doing a lot of Flash work. That’s right, I recently got Flash and I am making a point and click game, which will soon be available for you to play here, on Kongregate and Newgrounds. I’ll keep you updated!
  3. And, other random irrelevant stuff.

Also, I have a new logo! I got bored of the old one and decided to make a new one and I have to say, this one looks a lot better than to old one.

Well, that’s it for the update, expect more posts soon!

Store: Coming Soon Downloads of 16th June 11

Your Vision Fades

This is a random text based game I am making. It lets you choose options into what you want to do next. WARNING: This game is a Windows Batch File. Meaning, that you will have to have access to CMD (Command Prompt) and you must be running Windows. I currently don’t know how to make a Mac version but I am hoping to try and make one in the future. Price: £0.59