XBOX Rant – Microsoft at Their Best

It just gets better. Looks like Microsoft are forcing people with XBOX 720 consoles to install their games to the system. You may think ‘what’s wrong with that, PS3 does it?’ The problem is what Microsoft intend to do with that feature. They are planning to implement a one system only install – meaning pre-owned games or friend’s games will not work on your console. This is probably one of the worst mistakes they have ever made for so many reasons.

I’m sure everybody likes times where your friend(s) bring round games which you don’t have so you can play together and have fun. Of course, now this is deemed impossible as you now have to own a copy of the game each. I’m sure that everyone likes to go down to the store and spend less money on a pre-owned game that works just like the brand new ones. This is also phased out.

This is just one of Microsoft’s stupid ways of getting more of the dosh. But I personally think that their greed is going across the line here. People are going to be spending so much more money on these things that the prospect of an XBOX 720 seems ridiculous. The console cost, plus XBOX Live costs and now game costs altogether will just stop people from wanting to buy one, as they don’t want to be broke by the end of the month.

I strongly disagree with their decision to do this and it would be much wiser to leave these features as-is. Like I said with the iPhone; people will still buy the product. But I feel as if sales will be brought down as a result of this. Let me know what you think about this matter in the comments.

500GB PlayStation 3 Is Coming!

Phew! Thank you Sony! I have been waiting for something like this for ages… I’m sure that many PS3 users have faced the annoying task of deleting things off their HDDs because they have run out of room for installing new games they want, whether that be on a disc or downloaded from the PlayStation Store. This is a great step from Sony, as now people can actually have more than about 20 games installed. Heh heh.

An example of a 500GB hard-drive disk.

GAME Enters Administration!

I can’t believe it! GAME has entered administration as they reach bankruptcy. I never thought this day would come, but it seems GAME hadn’t been doing as well as I thought they were. It’s amazing, how, so many people visit and buy things from those stores that they go into administration. I used to always go there, but at least I have CEX to go to if GAME actually shuts down forever, but GAME always had the latest games etc. GAME has a couple buyers, but they are unconfirmed, one offer from Wal-Mart, (yes, WAL-MART) GameStop and a number of other companies. Oh well. Let’s just hope for the best.A Game Store

Review: Nintendo 3DS

Hey readers, this time I’m reviewing the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo’s newest portable console. First of all, even when I was unboxing this I knew it was gonna be epic. And I was right. The graphics are amazing, I was stunned when I first turned it on. There are so many improvements not only to the graphics, but to the interface. Not only is the 3DS more responsive, it’s entire UI has been revamped to suit the user much easier and it is much easier to get to things.


It's nice isn't it!

Click here to read the rest!

First Impressions: Super Mario 3D Land

Hey, peeps, and I’m back for another first impressions post. This time I’m doing Super Mario 3D Land, Mario’s latest platforming adventure. Even by looking at the cover of this game, you can tell that it’s gonna be epic. And, it is. It’s just like Mario’s original adventure, expect it’s a mixture of that and Super Mario Galaxy at the same time, and of course, it’s 3D. They’ve brought back the Tanooki Suit, and you can whack enemies away and glide around which makes things a lot easier, so I’m happy about that. It’s perfect for all you gamers who liked Super Mario Galaxy, and loved the original Super Mario Bros., as it basically combines them together into one epic game. The graphics are amazing, the feel is amazing, everything is epic. Another must get for the 3DS system.

RANK:  A*- Perfect Score! B C D E F … G

Super Mario 3D Land!

Supreme epicness.

Mario Kart 7: First Impressions

Mario Kart 7 is obviously the seventh installment of the Mario Kart series, which was released on 1st December in Europe. Although I haven’t actually got the game yet, based on what I’ve seen of the game, it’s pretty amazing. First of all, the new ways you can race, for example the glider, which enables you to glide around the track when you drive off a blue ramp. These things all open loads of new opportunities in racing. Another cool thing is kart customisation. By collecting coins during races you can change your kart to make that perfect ride. Epicness alert! There are sixteen epic new tracks as well as some remastered racetracks from the old games, including Wii. If you have the 3DS, or you are hoping that you’re getting it for Christmas, make sure this one’s on the list. 😀



My PS3 Is Broken

So, I’m a happy boy. My PS3 is broken. By broken, I mean it will freeze, it will randomly delete my game data, and some games won’t work properly, like for example. on a car game, the road would disappear and I’d be driving on nothing. It’s either something wrong with my disc lens, or, even worse, I have some sort of virus on my PS3. Your PS3 doesn’t have a firewall like McAfee or Norton, so when you’re browsing the net, viruses and trojans can just download onto your PS3 and theres nothing you can do about it. Except a factory restore. But I don’t ant to do that, and you could guess why. I’d lose ALL my downloads, my save data and my paid Assassins Creed Brotherhood theme. Oh yeah, whoopee! :/

Crystalline Design Update: This Intro…

(yes, that’s what it’s called) Wow. As I told you I am making a game at the moment, and I am current still making the intro scene for it. I’ve been working on this intro scene for maybe a week now. Maybe more. But, I guess, the more effort you put in, the better your game becomes, so I guess I just carry on working at my steady pace. I’m nearing the end now, but there will be a few things I need to… perfect before moving on to the actual game.

Alien Talk?

Update (and it’s about time)

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting for months now, I just haven’t got round to doing so. You wanna know why? Many reasons, here’s a list:

  1. Well, lets say I wanted a break for a while.
  2. I’ve been doing a lot of Flash work. That’s right, I recently got Flash and I am making a point and click game, which will soon be available for you to play here, on Kongregate and Newgrounds. I’ll keep you updated!
  3. And, other random irrelevant stuff.

Also, I have a new logo! I got bored of the old one and decided to make a new one and I have to say, this one looks a lot better than to old one.

Well, that’s it for the update, expect more posts soon!