500GB PlayStation 3 Is Coming!

Phew! Thank you Sony! I have been waiting for something like this for ages… I’m sure that many PS3 users have faced the annoying task of deleting things off their HDDs because they have run out of room for installing new games they want, whether that be on a disc or downloaded from the PlayStation Store. This is a great step from Sony, as now people can actually have more than about 20 games installed. Heh heh.

An example of a 500GB hard-drive disk.

Store: Coming Soon Downloads of 16th June 11

Your Vision Fades

This is a random text based game I am making. It lets you choose options into what you want to do next. WARNING: This game is a Windows Batch File. Meaning, that you will have to have access to CMD (Command Prompt) and you must be running Windows. I currently don’t know how to make a Mac version but I am hoping to try and make one in the future. Price: £0.59

Sony’s Welcome Back Package

So today I went onto the PlayStation Store as I heard that it was back up and updated (yet I still have problems with it sometimes.) Then on the sidebar, I saw a huge box which said ‘WELCOME BACK’ inside it. I clicked on it and I was astonished to find they are giving people who signed up before the hack these deals for free!

  • 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership
  • 2 PlayStation 3 games for free

Go Sony!